PyAST - A Python Interface to the starlink AST library
D.S. Berry & T. Jenness
3rd February 2020
Version 3.14.1
What is PyAST?
What is AST?
About this document
Obtaining and installing PyAST
Using PyAST
PyAST License
Notes on individual classes
Visualising and exploring FrameSets with
Read a WCS Calibration from a Dataset
Validate WCS Information
Display AST Data
Convert Between Pixel and World Coordinates
Test if a WCS is a Celestial Coordinate System
Ensure that WCS Axes are in a Specified Order
Format Coordinates for Display
Display Coordinates as they are Transformed
Read Coordinates Entered by a User
Modify a WCS Calibration
Write a Modified WCS Calibration to a Dataset
Display a Graphical Coordinate Grid Over a Greyscale Image
Create a FITS binary table holding a MOC describing a sky region
Check for overlap between a FITS image and a FITS MOC
Read a MOC from a text file and plot its outline
Create a string-encoded MOC describing a specified set of cells
High level functions
Unimplemented AST functions
Implemented AST functions
astAddCell - Adds a single HEALPix cell into an existing Moc
astAddColumn - Add a new column definition to a table
astAddFrame - Add a Frame to a FrameSet to define a new coordinate system
astAddMocData - Adds a FITS binary table into an existing Moc
astAddMocString - Adds a JSON or string-encoded MOC into an existing Moc
astAddParameter - Add a new global parameter definition to a table
astAddPixelMask - Add a set of pixels to a Moc
astAddRegion - Add a Region into a Moc
astAngle - Calculate the angle subtended by two points at a third point
astAxAngle - Returns the angle from an axis, to a line through two points
astAxDistance - Find the distance between two axis values
astAxOffset - Add an increment onto a supplied axis value
astBBuf - Begin a new graphical buffering context
astBorder - Draw a border around valid regions of a Plot
astBoundingBox - Return a bounding box for previously drawn graphics
astBox - Create a Box
astChannel - Create a Channel
astChebyMap - Create a ChebyMap
astCircle - Create a Circle
astCirclePars - Returns the geometric parameters of an Circle
astClear - Clear attribute values for an Object
astClip - Set up or remove clipping for a Plot
astCmpFrame - Create a CmpFrame
astCmpMap - Create a CmpMap
astCmpRegion - Create a CmpRegion
astColumnName - Get the name of the column at a given index within the Table
astColumnNull - Get or set the null value for an integer column of a FITS table
astColumnShape - Returns the shape of the values in a named column
astColumnSize - Get the number of bytes needed to hold a full column of data
astConvert - Determine how to convert between two coordinate systems
astConvex - Create a new Polygon representing the convex hull of a 2D data grid
astCopy - Copy an Object
astCurrentTime - Return the current system time
astCurve - Draw a geodesic curve
astDSBSpecFrame - Create a DSBSpecFrame
astDecompose - Decompose a Mapping into two component Mappings
astDelFits - Delete the current FITS card in a FitsChan
astDistance - Calculate the distance between two points in a Frame
astDownsize - Reduce the number of vertices in a Polygon
astEBuf - End the current graphical buffering context
astEllipse - Create a Ellipse
astEllipsePars - Returns the geometric parameters of an Ellipse
astEmptyFits - Delete all cards in a FitsChan
astEscapes - Control whether graphical escape sequences are included in strings
astFindFits - Find a FITS card in a FitsChan by keyword
astFindFrame - Find a coordinate system with specified characteristics
astFitsChan - Create a FitsChan
astFitsTable - Create a FitsTable
astFluxFrame - Create a FluxFrame
astFormat - Format a coordinate value for a Frame axis
astFrame - Create a Frame
astFrameSet - Create a FrameSet
astGenCurve - Draw a generalized curve
astGet - Get an attribute value for an Object
astGetCell - Identify the next cell in a normalised Moc
astGetFits<X> - Get a named keyword value from a FitsChan
astGetFrame - Obtain a pointer to a specified Frame in a FrameSet
astGetMapping - Obtain a Mapping that converts between two Frames in a FrameSet
astGetMocData - Get the FITS binary table data describing a Moc
astGetMocHeader - Get the FITS binary table headers describing a Moc
astGetMocString - Get the JSON or string-encoded representation of a Moc
astGetRefPos - Return the reference position in a specified celestial coordinate system
astGetRegionBounds - Returns the bounding box of Region
astGetRegionDisc - Returns the centre and radius of a disc containing a 2D Region
astGetRegionFrame - Obtain a pointer to the encapsulated Frame within a Region
astGetRegionMesh - Return a mesh of points covering the surface or volume of a Region
astGetRegionPoints - Returns the positions that define the given Region
astGetTableHeader - Get the FITS headers from a FitsTable
astGetTables - Retrieve any FitsTables currently in a FitsChan
astGrid - Draw a set of labelled coordinate axes
astGridLine - Draw a grid line (or axis) for a Plot
astGrismMap - Create a GrismMap
astHasAttribute - Test if an Object has a named attribute
astHasColumn - Returns a flag indicating if a column is present in a Table
astHasParameter - Returns a flag indicating if a named global parameter is present in a Table
astIntersect - Find the point of intersection between two geodesic curves
astInterval - Create a Interval
astInvert - Invert a Mapping
astKeyMap - Create a KeyMap
astLinearApprox - Obtain a linear approximation to a Mapping, if appropriate
astLock - Lock an Object for exclusive use by the calling thread
astLutMap - Create a LutMap
astMapBox - Find a bounding box for a Mapping
astMapRegion - Transform a Region into a new Frame using a given Mapping
astMapSplit - Split a Mapping up into parallel component Mappings
astMark - Draw a set of markers for a Plot
astMask - Mask a region of a data grid
astMatchAxes - Find any corresponding axes in two Frames
astMathMap - Create a MathMap
astMatrixMap - Create a MatrixMap
astMoc - Create a Moc
astMocChan - Create a MocChan
astNegate - Negate the area represented by a Region
astNorm - Normalise a set of Frame coordinates
astNormMap - Create a NormMap
astNullRegion - Create a NullRegion
astOffset - Calculate an offset along a geodesic curve
astOffset2 - Calculate an offset along a geodesic curve in a 2D Frame
astOutline - Create a new Polygon outling values in a 2D data grid
astOverlap - Test if two regions overlap each other
astParameterName - Get the name of the global parameter at a given index within the Table
astPcdMap - Create a PcdMap
astPermAxes - Permute the axis order in a Frame
astPermMap - Create a PermMap
astPickAxes - Create a new Frame by picking axes from an existing one
astPlot - Create a Plot
astPointInRegion - Tests if a single point is inside a Region
astPointList - Create a PointList
astPolyCurve - Draw a series of connected geodesic curves
astPolyMap - Create a PolyMap
astPolyTran - Fit a PolyMap inverse or forward transformation
astPolygon - Create a Polygon
astPrism - Create a Prism
astPurgeRows - Remove all empty rows from a table
astPurgeWCS - Delete all cards in the FitsChan describing WCS information
astPutCards - Store a set of FITS header cards in a FitsChan
astPutFits - Store a FITS header card in a FitsChan
astPutTable - Store a single FitsTable in a FitsChan
astPutTableHeader - Store new FITS headers in a FitsTable
astPutTables - Store one or more FitsTables in a FitsChan
astQuadApprox - Obtain a quadratic approximation to a 2D Mapping
astRate - Calculate the rate of change of a Mapping output
astRateMap - Create a RateMap
astRead - Read an Object from a Channel
astReadFits - Read cards into a FitsChan from the source function
astRebin - Rebin a region of a data grid
astRebinSeq - Rebin a region of a sequence of data grids
astRegionOutline - Draw the outline of an AST Region
astRemapFrame - Modify a Frame\texttt{'} s relationship to other Frames in a FrameSet
astRemoveColumn - Remove a column from a table
astRemoveFrame - Remove a Frame from a FrameSet
astRemoveParameter - Remove a global parameter from a table
astRemoveRegions - Remove any Regions from a Mapping
astRemoveRow - Remove a row from a table
astRemoveTables - Remove one or more tables from a FitsChan
astResample - Resample a region of a data grid
astResolve - Resolve a vector into two orthogonal components
astRetainFits - Indicate that the current card in a FitsChan should be retained
astSame - Test if two AST pointers refer to the same Object
astSet - Set an attribute value for an Object
astSetFits<X> - Store a keyword value in a FitsChan
astSetRefPos - Set the reference position in a specified celestial coordinate system
astShiftMap - Create a ShiftMap
astShow - Display a textual representation of an Object on standard output
astSimplify - Simplify a Mapping
astSkyFrame - Create a SkyFrame
astSkyOffsetMap - Returns a Mapping which goes from absolute coordinates to offset coordinates
astSlaMap - Create an SlaMap
astSpecFluxFrame - Create a SpecFluxFrame
astSpecFrame - Create a SpecFrame
astSpecMap - Create a SpecMap
astSphMap - Create a SphMap
astStcsChan - Create an StcsChan
astTable - Create a Table
astTableSource - Register a source function for accessing tables in FITS files
astTest - Test if an Object attribute value is set
astTestCell - Tests if a single HEALPix cell is included in a Moc
astTestFits - See if a named keyword has a defined value in a FitsChan
astText - Draw a text string for a Plot
astTimeAdd - Add a time coordinate conversion to a TimeMap
astTimeFrame - Create a TimeFrame
astTimeMap - Create a TimeMap
astTranGrid - Transform a grid of positions
astTranMap - Create a TranMap
astTranN - Transform N-dimensional coordinates
astTune - Set or get an integer-valued AST global tuning parameter
astTuneC - Set or get a character-valued AST global tuning parameter
astUnformat - Read a formatted coordinate value for a Frame axis
astUnitMap - Create a UnitMap
astUnitNormMap - Create a UnitNormMap
astUnlock - Unlock an Object for use by other threads
astVersion - Return the version of the AST library being used
astWarnings - Returns any warnings issued by the previous read or write operation
astWcsMap - Create a WcsMap
astWinMap - Create a WinMap
astWrite - Write an Object to a Channel
astWriteFits - Write out all cards in a FitsChan to the sink function
astZoomMap - Create a ZoomMap