AST functions with no python wrapper
The following AST functions cannot currently be used in python. Further functions will be added to pyast as and when people ask for them.
astActiveObjects - Return pointers for all active Objects
astAddVariant - Store a new variant Mapping for the current Frame in a FrameSet
astAnnul - Annul a pointer to an Object
astAxNorm - Normalise an array of axis values
astBegin - Begin a new AST context
astChannelData - Return a pointer to user-supplied data stored with a Channel
astChebyDomain - Returns the bounding box of the domain of a ChebyMap
astClearStatus - Clear the AST error status
astClone - Clone (duplicate) an Object pointer
astCreatedAt - Return the routine, file and line number at which an Object was created
astDelete - Delete an Object
astEnd - End an AST context
astExempt - Exempt an Object pointer from AST context handling
astExport - Export an Object pointer to an outer context
astFromString - Re-create an Object from an in-memory serialisation
astGetActiveUnit - Determines how the Unit attribute will be used
astGetColumnData - Retrieve all the data values stored in a column
astGetGrfContext - Return the KeyMap that describes a Plot\texttt{'} s graphics context
astGetRegionFrameSet - Obtain a pointer to the encapsulated FrameSet within a Region
astGetStcCoord - Return information about an AstroCoords element stored in an Stc
astGetStcNCoord - Return the number of AstroCoords elements stored in an Stc
astGetStcRegion - Obtain a copy of the encapsulated Region within a Stc
astGetUnc - Obtain uncertainty information from a Region
astGrfPop - Restore previously saved graphics functions used by a Plot
astGrfPush - Save the current graphics functions used by a Plot
astGrfSet - Register a graphics function for use by a Plot
astImport - Import an Object pointer to the current context
astIntraMap - Create an IntraMap
astIntraReg - Register a transformation function for use by an IntraMap
astIsA - Test membership of a class by an Object
astMapCopy - Copy entries from one KeyMap into another
astMapDefined - Check if a KeyMap contains a defined value for a key
astMapGet0 - Get a scalar value from a KeyMap
astMapGet1 - Get a vector value from a KeyMap
astMapGetC - Get a scalar or vector value from a KeyMap as a single string
astMapGetElem - Get a single element of a vector value from a KeyMap
astMapHasKey - Check if an entry with a given key exists in a KeyMap
astMapKey - Get the key at a given index within the KeyMap
astMapLenC - Get the number of characters in a character entry in a KeyMap
astMapLength - Get the vector length of an entry in a KeyMap
astMapPut0 - Add a scalar value to a KeyMap
astMapPut1 - Add a vector value to a KeyMap
astMapPutElem - Put a value into an element of a vector value in a KeyMap
astMapPutU - Add an entry to a KeyMap with an undefined value
astMapRemove - Removed a named entry from a KeyMap
astMapRename - Rename an existing KeyMap entry
astMapSize - Get the number of entries in a KeyMap
astMapType - Get the data type of an entry in a KeyMap
astMirrorVariants - Make the current Frame mirror the variant Mappings in another Frame
astOK - Test whether AST functions have been successful
astPlot3D - Create a Plot3D
astPolyCoeffs - Retrieve the coefficient values used by a PolyMap
astPutChannelData - Store arbitrary data to be passed to a source or sink function
astPutColumnData - Store new data values for all rows of a column
astSelectorMap - Create a SelectorMap
astSetActiveUnit - Specify how the Unit attribute should be used
astSetFitsCM - Store a comment card in a FitsChan
astSetFitsU - Store an undefined keyword value in a FitsChan
astSetPutErr - Register an error handling function for use by the AST error model
astSetStatus - Set the AST error status to an explicit value
astSetUnc - Store uncertainty information in a Region
astShowFits - Display the contents of a FitsChan on standard output
astShowMesh - Display a mesh of points covering the surface of a Region
astSlaAdd - Add a celestial coordinate conversion to an SlaMap
astSpecAdd - Add a spectral coordinate conversion to a SpecMap
astStatus - Obtain the current AST error status value
astStcCatalogEntryLocation - Create a StcCatalogEntryLocation
astStcObsDataLocation - Create a StcObsDataLocation
astStcResourceProfile - Create a StcResourceProfile
astStcSearchLocation - Create a StcSearchLocation
astStripEscapes - Remove AST escape sequences from a string
astSwitchMap - Create a SwitchMap
astThread - Determine the thread that owns an Object
astToString - Create an in-memory serialisation of an Object
astTran1 - Transform 1-dimensional coordinates
(now covered by astTranN)
astTran2 - Transform 2-dimensional coordinates
(now covered by astTranN)
astTranP - Transform N-dimensional coordinates held in separate arrays
astUinterp - Perform sub-pixel interpolation on a grid of data
astUkern1 - 1-dimensional sub-pixel interpolation kernel
astWatch - Identify a new error status variable for the AST library
astXmlChan - Create an XmlChan